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Your business operates at a fast pace, and you need a banking partner that won't slow you down. Our business customers can now take advantage of Remote Deposit Express, the quickest, most convenient way to make daily deposits. Using a simple desk-top scanner and it's patent-pending web- based technology, RDX allows you to scan, submit and deposit all your checks electronically and eliminate those last minute, daily dashes to the bank.

What is Remote Deposit?
Remote deposit is a business customer’s ability to capture the images and transaction information of checks accepted for payment and deliver this information electronically to the financial institution as a deposit in a format such that the checks can be processed as if the items had been physically received and captured.
Save Time ~ No more daily trips to the bank. Deposit checks right from your desktop.

Increase Productivity ~ No more loss of business "prime time" by you or your employees. Make deposits 24/7 when it's convenient for you.

Improve Cash Flow ~ No more checks piling up. Get them to the bank at the speed of light and put that cash to work right away.

Lower Risk ~ No more risk of lawsuits and workman's comp claims from a potential "mishap" on the way to the bank. No more risk of theft along the way.

Peace Of Mind ~ More time, more productivity, better cash flow, lower risk. With Remote Deposit, you've got a few less things to worry about.

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